Let's get back to that last post. I'd just seen Paprika with the Cinetrix and decided to hoof it around the boston metro area (do they even use that?) in order for me to see the sights, taste the tastes, and hear the sounds, etc. etc. We had decided to take in an early evening screening of Aaron Katz's (fucking possesives) film Quiet City.
I had to make the 15-hour drive home the next day and wanted to call it an early evening after spending the week getting sicker and drinking extravagant amounts of beer. So we decided to call it a night. Except Joe Swanberg's Hannah Takes the Stairs was up next. Being a Bujalski fanboy, I forced myself to stick around. It wasn't difficult to do. After the brilliant Quiet City, Hannah was a letdown. I'm not sure if I couldn't get used to Bujalski playing the "cool guy" or what, but the whole thing just seemed forced. Once again, 8 months passed, therefore I'm not going to review. A blurb will have to do. Even a bad one.
I did run into Mike Gibisser before the film and we sat together and hung out a bit. After the films, he, Katz, and a few other filmmakers dashed out into the merry eve with the previously mentioned Ray Carney in tow. Of course the Cinetrix and I tagged along to get a Q and A with a little truth serum involved. It seemed most shared my sentiments of Hannah Takes the Stairs. I say most, because Carney spent much of the evening singing its praises. I guess we didn't get it. Either way, it was a pleasant ending to an interesting week. Well, the imbibing went on until 3AM. So that was pleasant. Nine AM and 1000 miles to go the next day wasn't.
My interest in film was piqued and peaked for a while, knowing I wouldn't be able to top that feeling anytime soon. Plus, Carney told me real digital filmmakers only shoot in 24p...